This is our list of courses and events through March to May 2015. For full info and to book on, call or text 07880550011. We have included the end of Feb Course start dates for those that wish to join in.
Monday 23rd February – Ladies two week bootcamp. 6:30am 50GBP
Wednesday 25th February – Ladies Level 2 Kettlebells course 10am 35GBP
Friday 27th February – Ladies Level 1 Kettlebells course 10am 35GBP
Monday 2nd March – Ladies 12 week fitness challenge 10am 120GBP
Friday 13th March – Mens 8 week muay thai beginners course 8pm 60GBP
Monday 23rd March – Mens two week bootcamp 6:30am 50GBP
Tuesday 24th March – Ladies 8 week muay thai beginners course 8pm 60GBP
Tuesday 31st March – Ladies Dress2Impress challenge & Raffle draw. 8pm 10GBP entry
Monday 6th April – Ladies two week bootcamp 6:30am 50GBP
Saturday 4th April – Ladies muay thai seminar with the famous Iman ‘pretty killer’ Barlow 1pm 20GBP for members 25GBP for non-members.